Hello Sunil
How to use VeraCrypt to encrypt an USB flash drive

How to use VeraCrypt to encrypt an USB flash drive

If you are concerned that you might be forced by someone to reveal your password, you can also choose to create a “Hidden VeraCrypt volume”. Click “Next”.

Select standard VeraCrypt volume

Step 6: Click on “Select Device” where you need to select the USB flash drive you want to encrypt.

Choose Select Device and select the drive letter of the USB flash drive you want to encrypt

In our case we are selecting drive H. Click “OK” and then once again, click “Next”.

Select drive H

Step 7: You have now two options under volume creation mode. First option is suitable if your USB flash drive is empty or you want to delete everything it contains. But if you want to keep any existing files, choose the second option.

As we mentioned previously, for the simplicity of this article we are selecting first option i.e “Create encrypted volume and format it”. Click “Next”.

Select the first option - Create encrypted volume and format it

Step 8: On encryption options screen. If you are unsure of which to choose, leave the default settings of “AES” and the “SHA-512” hash algorithm.

Select AES and SHA-512 hash algorithm option

Step 9: Conform the volume size screen and then click “Next”.

Conform volume size screen, Click Next

Step 10: Now the most important part. The password. Enter and re-enter the password you want to use to encrypt your data.

Enter the password which you want to use to encrypt your data

Step 11: Before you create the actual volume, the creation wizard will ask if you intend to store large files. If you intend to store files larger than 4GB within the volume, tell it so – it will tweak the file system to better suit your needs.

For this demonstration we have selected the option “No”. Click “Next”.

Select the option No 

Step 12: On the volume format screen, select file system as “NTFS”. Now you have to generate strong encryption keys. This is done by randomly moving your mouse around the VeraCrypt window. When the green bar gets to the end, click “Format” button.

Select NTFS as file system and click format button once green bar gets to the end 

Once the format process is complete, it’s then done. Click “OK” to exit the formatting wizard.

Click OK to exit the formatting wizard

How to use an USB flash drive encrypted with VeraCrypt

When you want to use an encrypted USB flash drive, first insert the drive in the computer and start VeraCrypt. Afterwards, follow the steps as mentioned:

Sunil Pradhan

Hi there 👋 I am a front-end developer passionate about cutting-edge, semantic, pixel-perfect design. Writing helps me to understand things better.

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Sunil Pradhan

Hi there 👋 I am a front-end developer passionate about cutting-edge, semantic, pixel-perfect design. Writing helps me to understand things better.