When we want to build prototypes, we want to build them fast. Therefore, we should find a fake REST API so that we don’t need to write our own for a quick prototype.
In this article, we will look at some fake REST APIs that we can use to mock out our back end for prototypes.
List of Best Dummy API
- DummyJSON
- Fake Store API
- Dummy employee API
- JSON Placeholder
- Sling Academy – Mock API
- Go Rest
- OWT Fake APIs
- Reqres API
- JSON Bin (for storage solution)
- The Meal DB API
- Joke API
- The Cocktail DB
- Randomuser API
- Random Quotes API
- Star Wars API
- Mocky
- Mock API
- Open Weather Map
- REST Countries
- Random Data API
- The Pokemon API
- Faker
- Fakeshop-api
- Public APIs
- The Bored API
- Agify
- Genderize
- Nationalize
- Data USA
- Dog API
- Ipify
- IPinfo
- IMDB – Internet Movie Database (Unofficial)
- Official Joke API
- Universities List
- Zippopotam
- Imgur API
- Robohash Image Generator
- Mirror-AI
- Hotels
- Flight Data
- Indian Railway PNR Status
- WordsAPI
- Whois Lookup
- Weatherbit
- Referential
- URL Shortener Service
- IP Geolocation API
- Quotes
- Company Name Match
- Rent Estimate
- Currency Converter
- Latest Mutual Fund NAV
- Collective list of free APIs
- Imgflip
In conclusion, this compilation presents an invaluable resource for developers seeking streamlined solutions during the testing and prototyping phases of their projects.
The article has highlighted a diverse array of dummy APIs that cater to various use cases, ranging from simple data placeholders to more intricate mock data generators.
In a technology landscape where rapid development and iteration are essential, the availability of these dummy APIs empowers developers to concentrate on the core functionality and user experience of their applications.
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