Photography has been an indispensable part of web design, and a great image can do wonders for capturing a reader’s attention or setting up your business’s credibility.
However, most of us have been accustomed to seeing crappy stock images as lots of stock photos online are uninspired and a huge portion of them even cost money.
Images are a visual presentation of a website. Be it an about me page or products page or services page, good quality images are a must as they help engage users. They also help boosts your on-page SEO.
Lucky for you, there is a growing wealth of websites offering beautiful and high-resolution stock photos, without any hassle or significant cost.
Images should enhance your content, but the wrong image can have the opposite effect. We put together this guide to help you easily find professional, affordable images whenever you need them.
❗ Caution
Although these sites feature free stock photos, you should read the terms, limitations, and licensing of each work that you use; read the fine print!
So read on for 100 sources where you can find free stock images: and don’t worry — they are all legal!
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