Hello Sunil
Step by step Instruction to Install MySQL on Windows 10

Step by step Instructions to Install MySQL on Windows 11

Step 12: In this screen, choose a password for the root account. Please note the password for later use. Also, If you want to add a more MySQL user, you can do it in this step. Click “Next” button.

Accounts and roles - Install MySQL on Windows

Step 13: In this screen, choose Windows service default settings. Click “Next” button to continue.

Windows service - Install MySQL on Windows

Step 14: Click “Execute” button to start applying configuration settings.

Apply configuration - Install MySQL on Windows

Click “Finish” button to complete configuration settings of MySQL.

Apply configuration settings successful - Install MySQL on Windows

Step 15: Click “Next” button to continue.

Router configuration- Install MySQL on Windows

Step 16: Remove check mark on “Bootstrap MySQL Router for use with InnoDB cluster” then click on “Next” button.

Remove check mark on Bootstrap MySQL Router for use with InnoDB cluster - Install MySQL on Windows

Step 17: In this screen, MySQL Installer installs sample databases and sample models. Click “Next” button to continue.

Samples and examples- Install MySQL on Windows

Step 18: In this screen, enter “Username” and “Password” of the root user which is generated in step 12. To check root username and password working properly with MySQL server configuration, hit “Check” button.

Connect to server - Install MySQL on Windows

Click “Next” button to continue.

Step 19: Click “Finish” button.

Configuration operation has completed - Install MySQL on Windows

Step 20: Click “Next” button to continue.

Samples and examples configuration completed - Install MySQL on Windows

Step 21: Now you have successfully installed MySQL on your Windows 11 PC.

Installation complete - Install MySQL on Windows

Click “Finish” button to launch MySQL Workbench on Windows 11.

MySQL Workbench on Windows 10 - Install MySQL on Windows

How to work with MySQL server on Windows 11

You have four options to work with MySQL server on Windows 11 and they are:

  • MySQL Shell
  • MySQL Command Line Client (Unicode)
  • Windows Command Prompt
  • MySQL Workbench

MySQL Shell

MySQL Shell is an advanced client and code editor for MySQL Server. It provides scripting capabilities for JavaScript, Python and includes APIs for working with MySQL. To get started with MySQL Shell follow these steps:

Sunil Pradhan

Hi there 👋 I am a front-end developer passionate about cutting-edge, semantic, pixel-perfect design. Writing helps me to understand things better.

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Sunil Pradhan

Hi there 👋 I am a front-end developer passionate about cutting-edge, semantic, pixel-perfect design. Writing helps me to understand things better.