Hello Sunil

How to Batch Process Multiple Images to WebP

WebP is Google’s modern format for lossy and lossless image compressions. It is basically aimed at replacing JPEG, PNG and GIF formats on the web.

In this article, we are going to see how to convert multiple images to WebP format. So let’s start!

Also Read: How to open OR Save As WebP images in Photoshop

Convert multiple images to WebP

Here is how you can quickly convert multiple images to WebP.

#1 : Use XnConvert to convert multiple images to WebP

XnConvert is a powerful and free cross-platform batch image processor. It offers powerful features in an easy to use interface providing convenient drag & drop functionality.

Works great on Microsoft’s Windows and Apple’s macOS.

You can bulk export all of your PNG, jpeg to webp format.


#2 : Use cwebp to convert multiple images to WebP

Converting images to the WebP format is easy by using cwebp command line tool from Google.

This tool converts JPG, PNG, and TIFF images to WebP.

Setup Process: (Windows)

Step 1: Download cwebp tool from this page.


Step 2: Unzip the downloaded file then jump straight to C drive and create a new directory (ex: Dev Tools).


Copy this path.

Step 3: Search Environment variables.


Step 4: System properties window quickly pop up there navigate Advanced tab -> Environment variables…


Step 5: Under Environment variables, Path -> Edit -> New.


Step 6: Paste the address we had copied here.


Then click OK multiple times and close all open windows.

Step 7: Open your image directory and type cmd on the address bar and hit enter.


Step 8: Type cwebp command and hit enter.


If you see something similar screen then you have successfully set up cwebp tool in your computer.

Step 9: The tool takes a single image as input and the file name of the converted image as output, for example:

cwebp myimage.jpg -o myimage.webp

The default compression level is 75. If you want to manually control the compression level then use following command:

cwebp -q 80 myimage.jpg -o myimage.webp

On the above command, the quality compression factor is 80.

However, running the cwebp command one image at a time like this would take a long time to convert many images. If you need to do this, you can use a script instead.

`for file in images/*; do cwebp -q 75 "$file" -o "${file%.*}.webp"; done`

This script converts, at a quality of 75, all the files in the images/ directory, and saves them as a new file (same filename, but with a .webp file extension) in the same directory.

#3 : Use WebPonize to convert multiple images to WebP (Mac only)

WebPonize is probably the simplest and fastest way to convert images to WebP format on the Mac.


All you need to do is just drag and drop your images into WebPonize and it’ll do the conversion. You will receive the output, the before-size, after-size and the % of reduction of the original file.

#4 : Convert With Online Tools

If you are not looking at installing any applications on your operating system to perform this task, opt for these online tools instead. Here are a few that we have come to know:

Further Reading


In this tutorial, we have covered basic techniques to process multiple images into WebP. We have also explained how to use cwebp tool to convert files and finally few online tools to batch process images into WebP.

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Sunil Pradhan

Hi there πŸ‘‹ I am a front-end developer passionate about cutting-edge, semantic, pixel-perfect design. Writing helps me to understand things better.

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Sunil Pradhan

Hi there πŸ‘‹ I am a front-end developer passionate about cutting-edge, semantic, pixel-perfect design. Writing helps me to understand things better.